Facilities and Equipment

South Farm
Our primary large equipment storage facility is within a few miles of campus and right next to the USGS Science Center on the University’s agriculture research property called South Farm. In 2012, the Cooperative Research Unit built a new 40 x 90 foot building that is shared by the three Coop Unit scientists. The building has storage for our boats, trucks, and other large equipment. Our available equipment for aquatic research includes several new (or nearly new) boats and other equipment including:- - 2012 17 foot Blazer electrofishing boat with 40 hp jet
- - 2010 18-foot Clark electrofishing boat with 115-hp prop with ability to convert to jet drive
- - Newly revamped Clark 19-foot river boat with a 2012, 150 hp four stroke
- - 2010 Blazer 15-foot boat with 25-hp jet drive
- - 16-foot Alumaweld boat with 2013 40 hp jet drive
- - Numerous smaller john boats with smaller outboards and canoes
- - 2013 tote barge shocker unit
- - 2012 Smith Root LR24 backpack unit
- - In addition, we have 12 vehicles used for field work, including 8 trucks 2016 and newer. Most of the trucks are half ton but we also have 2, 3/4 ton pickups. All trucks are 4-door crew cabs.
Laboratory and office space:
We have ample laboratory space at the University of Missouri for most any lab work. Our primary lab space is suitable for sample processing and has numerous microscopes, drying ovens, isomet low speed saw and polisher, and an image analysis system with 37 inch flat screen TV for a monitor. This space also serves as our primary storage for other equipment such as the 4 Lotek SRX 600 telemetry receivers, numerous Vemco remote receivers, 4 Archer submeter GPS units, ruggedized laptop, video data projector, computers with color printers and scanners, and other items. Adjacent to this space is a large wet lab facility that can be used for experiments and includes many aquaria, round tanks, and environmental chambers. In addition to space at the university, we often work with our cooperators who have lab and pond space for various experiments on behavior, toxicity tolerances, and reproductive condition; and also have equipment we can borrow such as push trawl boats and habitat mapping equipment.Graduate students are provided a cubicle space in rooms shared with generally 2 – 3 other graduate students. Full-time staff such as post-docs, research specialists, etc. are often provided their own office or shared with 1-2 other staff. A laptop or desktop computer is provided to each student for their research.
River Studies at the University of Missouri