Honors and Awards

Best Student Presentation awarded by North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (graduate student Levi Umland)
North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society - Student Travel Award awarded by North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society
Bass Fishing Hall of Fame Scholarship (graduate student Levi Umland) awarded by Bass Angler Sportsmens Society
Trans World Airlines Scholarship (PhD student Tyler Hessler) awarded by University of Missouri System
Best Poster, School of Natural Resources Research Day (PhD student Tyler Hessler) awarded by University of Missouri
Top 10 Most Cited Papers, Ecohydrology awarded by Ecohydrology journal
Carl Morrow Scholarship (graduate student Levi Umland) awarded by Conservation Federation of Missouri
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (PhD student Tyler Hessler) awarded by Missouri Natural Resources Conference
Fenske Award Finalist (graduate student Levi Umland) awarded by NorthCentral Division of AFS
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner (graduate student Levi Umland) awarded by Missouri Chapter of the AFS
Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies travel award
NCTC Adaptive Management Workshop awarded by US Fish and Wildlife Service, WI DNR
Best Student Aquatics Presentation (graduate student Levi Umland) awarded by North American Paddlefish and Sturgeon Society
Top 10% Most Downloaded Papers, North American Journal of Fisheries Management awarded by American Fisheries Society
Top Cited Article, North American Journal of Fisheries Management awarded by American Fisheries Society
Top Cited Article (2), Fisheries awarded by Wiley
Top 10% Most Downloaded Papers, Fisheries awarded by American Fisheries Society
Top 10% Most Downloaded Papers, Fisheries Management and Ecology awarded by Wiley
Best Student Aquatics Presentation (graduate student Hadley Boehm) awarded by Missouri Natural Resources Conference
Fenske Award Winner (graduate student Hadley Boehm) awarded by NorthCentral Division of AFS
D. L. Hallett Award, (PhD student Hadley Boehm) awarded by MO Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Missouri AFS Student Achievement Award awarded by Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Research Units Scientific Excellence Award (Craig Paukert)
Outstanding Graduate Student (PhD student Hadley Boehm) awarded by University of Missouri, School of Natural Resources
J. Francis Allen Scholarship Runner Up (graduate student Hadley Boehm) awarded by American Fisheries Society
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (graduate student Hadley Boehm awarded by American Fisheries Society
Trans World Airlines Scholarship (PhD student Gaby Ruso) awarded by University of Missouri System
Top 10% Most Downloaded Papers, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, American Fisheries Society (Craig Paukert)
Fisheries Excellence Award, American Fisheries Society, North Central Division (Craig Paukert)
Quality Step Increase, U.S. Geological Survey (Craig Paukert)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship (graduate student Hadley Boehm), Conservation Federation of Missouri
Stephen A Weithman Jr. Leadership Award (graduate student Emily Tracy-Smith), Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Carl Morrow Scholarship (graduate student Hadley Boehm), Conservation Federation of Missouri
Best Student Aquatics Presentation (graduate student Michael Moore), Missouri Natural Resources Conference
STAR Award, U.S. Geological Survey (Craig Paukert)
Drive to Distinction Award, MU College and Agriculture Food and Natural Resources top 10 research dollars (Craig Paukert)
Outstanding Graduate Student in the MU School of Natural Resources (PhD student Michael Moore)
Top 10% Most Dowloaded Papers (2018-2019) from North American Journal of Fisheries Management (Post doc R. Tingley and C. Paukert)
Trans World Airlines Scholarship, only 5 non law school awards given each year in the University of Missouri system (PhD student H. Boehm)
Noreen Clough Memorial Scholarship for Females in Fisheries, (B.A.S.S. and Southern Division of AFS (graduate student Hadley Boehm)
Robert Jenkins Memorial Reservoir Scholarship Southern Division of the AFS (graduate student Hadley Boehm)
Best Student Aquatics Poster, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (graduate student Mike Thomas)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (graduate student Michael Moore)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (graduate student Mike Thomas)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (graduate student Mike Thomas)
TIGER Award, Mizzou School of Natural Resources (graduate student Emily Tracy-Smith)
Travel Award, North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society (graduate student Michael Moore)
Best Student Aquatics Poster, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (graduate student Mike Thomas)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (graduate student John Brant)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (graduate student Elisa Baebler)
Promoted to Full Cooperative Professor at University of Missouri (C. Paukert)
University of Missouri Staff Development Award, The University of Missouri (Research Technician B. Brooke)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (BS student C. Stratton)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award Honorable Mention (PhD student C. Dunn)
Finalist, Best Student Poster, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (BS student C. Stratton and PhD student N. Sievert)
Finalist, Best Student Poster, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (MS student E. Baebler)
Travel Award, Equal Opportunities Section of American Fisheries Society, (MS student E. Baebler)
Undergraduate Travel Assistance Award, Student SubUnit of the Education Section of the American Fisheries Society (BS student C. Stratton)
Trans World Airlines Scholarship, only 5 non law school awards given each year in the University of Missouri system (PhD student C. Dunn)
Winemiller Excellence Award for Data Analytics at the University of Missouri (PhD student C. Dunn)
Best Poster, MU School of Natural Resources Research Day (PhD student C. Dunn)
Best Poster, MU School of Natural Resources Research Day (PhD student M. Moore)
Gold Chalk Award for Outstanding Mentoring and Teaching (C. Paukert)
Outstanding MU Fish and Wildlife Graduate Student (MS student Z. Morris)
Invited poster at the University of Missouri Chancellors presentation on research (BS student C. Stratton; PhD student N. Sievert)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (MS student E. Baebler)
Student Achievement Award, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (MS student Elisa Baebler)
Joe G. Dillard Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (BS student C. Stratton)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (PhD student M. Moore)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (PhD student M. Moore)
U.S. Geological Survey Quality Step Increase awarded by USGS (C. Paukert)
Outstanding Poster for Life Sciences Week: Innovative Science, University of Missouri (graduate student C. Dunn)
Best Student Poster-Honorable Mention awarded by American Fisheries Society (graduate student Corey Dunn)
Skinner Memorial Award awarded by American Fisheries Society (graduate student Michael Moore)
Skinner Memorial Award-Honorable Mention awarded by American Fisheries Society (graduate student Zach Morris)
Best Student Poster awarded by MU School of Natural Resources Research Day graduate student Corey Dunn)
Trans World Airlines Scholarship, University of Missouri System (graduate student M. Moore)
Joe G. Dillard Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (undergraduate student C. Stratton)
Best Poster Award Winner, School of Natural Resources Research Day (graduate student C. Dunn)
The Wildlife Society, Wetlands Working Group Student Award (graduate student J. Guyton)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (graduate student C. Dunn)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award Winner (awarded to graduate student E. Baebler)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (awarded to graduate student C. Dunn)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (graduate student C. Dunn)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resoutrces Conference (graduate student J. Guyton)
Jimmie Pigg and Melissa Coughlin Memorial Outstanding Student Achievement Award, Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society (graduate student C. Dunn)
Douglas D. Randall Young Scientists Travel Award, University of Missouri (graduate student C. Dunn)
Invited panel member, Multi-institutional Land-grant Partnership Initiative, to develop pathways for underrepresented student to obtain graduate degrees and agency employment, University of Puerto Rico (C. Paukert)
Board of Directors, Conservation Federation of Missouri (graduate student Zach Morris)
US Geological Survey STAR Award, Superior Performance Achievement (C. Paukert)
Outstanding Teaching Assistant, Virginia Tech Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation (awarded to graduate student Michael Moore)
Best Student Paper Presentation, Virginia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, (awarded to graduate student Michael Moore)
Selected as one of four participants in the Emerging Leaders Mentorship Award Program for the American Fisheries Society (awarded to graduate student Michael Moore)
Charles P. Bell Conservation Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
The Wildlife Society Wetland Working Group Travel Award (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
USGS STAR Award for development of Landscape Science initiative in USGS (C. Paukert)
D. L. Hallett Award, Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
IUCN Red List Paddlefish Status Report Update Lead (C. Paukert)
John L. Funk Award of Excellence, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (C. Paukert)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
Student Achievement Award, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (awarded to graduate student Corey Dunn)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Jacob Schwoerer)
University of Missouri Graduate fellowship, Missouri Chapter of The Wildlife Society (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
Carl Morrow Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Symposium organizers, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting in Kansas City (Emily Tracy Smith, Jodi Whitter, and Craig Paukert, 2 different symposia)
Symposium Committee Co-Chair, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City (Craig Paukert)
Poster Committee Chair, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City (Jodi Whittier)
Member, Poster Committee, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City (Nick Sievert and Elisa Baebler)
Outstanding M.S. Thesis (2014) for the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
John D. Chambers Memorial Scholarship, Missouri Chapter of The Wildlife Society (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Corey Dunn)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance, Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Symposium organizers, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting in Portland (Kristen Bouska, Nick Sievert, Jodi Whittier and Craig Paukert)
Missouri AFS Newsletter Committee Co-Chairs (Kristen Bouska and Emily Tracy-Smith)
Missouri AFS Historian Chair (Craig Paukert)
Floodplain Science Network Facilitator (Kristen Bouska)
Hutton Scholarship, American Fisheries Society (awarded to high school student Nora Hargett)
Fisheries Information Technology Section of AFS Secretary/Treasurer (Nick Sievert, PhD student)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance, Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Fisheries Information Technology Section of AFS Newsletter Editor (Nick Sievert)
Member, Fish Passage Advisory Council, International Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage (Craig Paukert)
Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers LCC River Restoration Technical Advisory Committee (Craig Paukert)
Second Place, Best Poster, Missouri River Natural Resources Conference (awarded to undergraduate student Josey Ridgway)
Conservation Federation of Missouri Morrow Scholarship (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Outstanding Graduate Student, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, MU (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Robert A. Klumb Missouri River Natural Resources Conference Student Travel Award (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Missouri Chapter of the Society of Conservation Biology Best Student Poster at the Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to undergraduate student Josey Ridgway and graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award Winner (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance, Cooperative Research Units (C. Paukert)
Hutton Scholarship, American Fisheries Society (awarded to high school student Samantha See)
McNair Scholarship, University of Missouri (awarded to undergraduate student Josey Ridgway)
Best Student Poster, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Undergraduate Travel Award, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (awarded to undergraduate student Travis Schepker)
Conservation Federation of Missouri Stegner Scholarship (awarded to undergraduate student Jackman Eschenroeder)
Invited workgroup member, NSF NEON sampling protocol development of long term monitoring on NEON lakes and streams (C. Paukert)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Jason Harris)
Missouri AFS Student Achievement Award (awarded to undergraduate student Michael Moore)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (awarded to graduate student Landon Pierce)
Letter of Appreciation from the Executive Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology Policy for contribution to the National Climate Assessment Technical Input on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services (Craig Paukert)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Outstanding Graduate Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, MU (Craig Paukert)
Finalist, Best Student Presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, St. Paul, MN (awarded to graduate student Jon Spurgeon)
Outstanding Graduate Student, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, MU, (awarded to graduate student Jake Faulkner)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Jason Harris)
Second Place, Best Student Poster, Missouri Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology (awarded to graduate student Jake Faulkner)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (awarded to graduate student Jake Faulkner)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Special Achievement Award, (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Best Student Presentation (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Second Place, Best Student Presentation (Jason Fischer, MS student); Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference
Outstanding Unit Student, (Jason Fischer, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
USGS STAR Award for technical assistance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert) Certificate of Appreciation (Joe Gerken, PhD student), Education Section of the AFS
Best Student Poster (Katie White, undergraduate; Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Professional Presentation (Craig Paukert); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Klassen Award (Kirk Mammoliti, undergraduate student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Finalist, Best Student Poster (Andrea Severson, MS student); Parent Society of the AFS
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (Joe Gerken, PhD student)
Second Place, Best Student Presentation (Andrea Severson, MS student); American Water Resources Association
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (Joe Gerken, PhD student)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Joe Gerken, PhD student)
Finalist, KSU Biology Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award (Craig Paukert)
Kansas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Travel Award (Mackenize Shardlow, MS student)
Ackert Award, Outstanding Presentation, KSU Biology Graduate Student Forum (Andrea Severson, MS student)
Nominee, KSU Biology Watkins Award for outstanding graduate student teaching (Andrea Severson, MS student)
Invited Speaker (Craig Paukert); Iowa St. Univ., Dept. of Natural Resources Ecology and Management
Best Student Presentation (Andrea Severson, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Poster (Joe Gerken, PhD student; Wes Bouska, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Andrea Severson, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Klassen Award (Brandon Senger, BS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Second Place, Best Student Presentation (Mackenzie Shardlow, MS student); Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (Wes Bouska, MS student)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award winner (Mackenzie Shardlow, MS student)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (Wes Bouska, MS student)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Josh Schloesser, MS student)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award Honorable Mention (Wes Bouska, MS student)
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Josh Schloesser, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Professional Presentation (Craig Paukert, coauthor with KDWP biologist); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Presentation (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Outstanding Unit Student, (Mackenzie Shardlow, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Jesse Fischer, MS student)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Jeff Eitzmann, MS student)
Fourth place, Best Poster (Josh Schloesser, MS Student); Missouri River Natural Resources Conference
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Professional Presentation (Craig Paukert); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Poster (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Presentation (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Invited Speaker (Craig Paukert); University of Kansas Field Station and Ecological Reserves Seminar Series
Outstanding Unit Student, (Jeff Eitzmann, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Outstanding Unit Student, (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award (Jesse Fischer, MS student)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Best Student Poster (Philip Brinkley, undergraduate student) Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Klassen Award (Philip Brinkley, undergraduate student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Andy Makinster, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Outstanding Unit Student, (Andy Makinster, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Keynote Speaker (Craig Paukert); Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting
Invited Speaker (Craig Paukert); The Ohio State University, School of Natural Resources
River Studies at the University of Missouri
Trans World Airlines Scholarship (PhD student Gaby Ruso) awarded by University of Missouri System
Top 10% Most Downloaded Papers, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, American Fisheries Society (Craig Paukert)
Fisheries Excellence Award, American Fisheries Society, North Central Division (Craig Paukert)
Quality Step Increase, U.S. Geological Survey (Craig Paukert)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship (graduate student Hadley Boehm), Conservation Federation of Missouri
Stephen A Weithman Jr. Leadership Award (graduate student Emily Tracy-Smith), Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Carl Morrow Scholarship (graduate student Hadley Boehm), Conservation Federation of Missouri
Best Student Aquatics Presentation (graduate student Michael Moore), Missouri Natural Resources Conference
STAR Award, U.S. Geological Survey (Craig Paukert)
Drive to Distinction Award, MU College and Agriculture Food and Natural Resources top 10 research dollars (Craig Paukert)
Outstanding Graduate Student in the MU School of Natural Resources (PhD student Michael Moore)
Top 10% Most Dowloaded Papers (2018-2019) from North American Journal of Fisheries Management (Post doc R. Tingley and C. Paukert)
Trans World Airlines Scholarship, only 5 non law school awards given each year in the University of Missouri system (PhD student H. Boehm)
Noreen Clough Memorial Scholarship for Females in Fisheries, (B.A.S.S. and Southern Division of AFS (graduate student Hadley Boehm)
Robert Jenkins Memorial Reservoir Scholarship Southern Division of the AFS (graduate student Hadley Boehm)
Best Student Aquatics Poster, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (graduate student Mike Thomas)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (graduate student Michael Moore)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (graduate student Mike Thomas)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (graduate student Mike Thomas)
TIGER Award, Mizzou School of Natural Resources (graduate student Emily Tracy-Smith)
Travel Award, North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society (graduate student Michael Moore)
Best Student Aquatics Poster, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (graduate student Mike Thomas)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (graduate student John Brant)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (graduate student Elisa Baebler)
Promoted to Full Cooperative Professor at University of Missouri (C. Paukert)
University of Missouri Staff Development Award, The University of Missouri (Research Technician B. Brooke)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (BS student C. Stratton)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award Honorable Mention (PhD student C. Dunn)
Finalist, Best Student Poster, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (BS student C. Stratton and PhD student N. Sievert)
Finalist, Best Student Poster, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (MS student E. Baebler)
Travel Award, Equal Opportunities Section of American Fisheries Society, (MS student E. Baebler)
Undergraduate Travel Assistance Award, Student SubUnit of the Education Section of the American Fisheries Society (BS student C. Stratton)
Trans World Airlines Scholarship, only 5 non law school awards given each year in the University of Missouri system (PhD student C. Dunn)
Winemiller Excellence Award for Data Analytics at the University of Missouri (PhD student C. Dunn)
Best Poster, MU School of Natural Resources Research Day (PhD student C. Dunn)
Best Poster, MU School of Natural Resources Research Day (PhD student M. Moore)
Gold Chalk Award for Outstanding Mentoring and Teaching (C. Paukert)
Outstanding MU Fish and Wildlife Graduate Student (MS student Z. Morris)
Invited poster at the University of Missouri Chancellors presentation on research (BS student C. Stratton; PhD student N. Sievert)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (MS student E. Baebler)
Student Achievement Award, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (MS student Elisa Baebler)
Joe G. Dillard Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (BS student C. Stratton)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (PhD student M. Moore)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (PhD student M. Moore)
U.S. Geological Survey Quality Step Increase awarded by USGS (C. Paukert)
Outstanding Poster for Life Sciences Week: Innovative Science, University of Missouri (graduate student C. Dunn)
Best Student Poster-Honorable Mention awarded by American Fisheries Society (graduate student Corey Dunn)
Skinner Memorial Award awarded by American Fisheries Society (graduate student Michael Moore)
Skinner Memorial Award-Honorable Mention awarded by American Fisheries Society (graduate student Zach Morris)
Best Student Poster awarded by MU School of Natural Resources Research Day graduate student Corey Dunn)
Trans World Airlines Scholarship, University of Missouri System (graduate student M. Moore)
Joe G. Dillard Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (undergraduate student C. Stratton)
Best Poster Award Winner, School of Natural Resources Research Day (graduate student C. Dunn)
The Wildlife Society, Wetlands Working Group Student Award (graduate student J. Guyton)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (graduate student C. Dunn)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award Winner (awarded to graduate student E. Baebler)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (awarded to graduate student C. Dunn)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (graduate student C. Dunn)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resoutrces Conference (graduate student J. Guyton)
Jimmie Pigg and Melissa Coughlin Memorial Outstanding Student Achievement Award, Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society (graduate student C. Dunn)
Douglas D. Randall Young Scientists Travel Award, University of Missouri (graduate student C. Dunn)
Invited panel member, Multi-institutional Land-grant Partnership Initiative, to develop pathways for underrepresented student to obtain graduate degrees and agency employment, University of Puerto Rico (C. Paukert)
Board of Directors, Conservation Federation of Missouri (graduate student Zach Morris)
US Geological Survey STAR Award, Superior Performance Achievement (C. Paukert)
Outstanding Teaching Assistant, Virginia Tech Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation (awarded to graduate student Michael Moore)
Best Student Paper Presentation, Virginia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, (awarded to graduate student Michael Moore)
Selected as one of four participants in the Emerging Leaders Mentorship Award Program for the American Fisheries Society (awarded to graduate student Michael Moore)
Charles P. Bell Conservation Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
The Wildlife Society Wetland Working Group Travel Award (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
USGS STAR Award for development of Landscape Science initiative in USGS (C. Paukert)
D. L. Hallett Award, Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
IUCN Red List Paddlefish Status Report Update Lead (C. Paukert)
John L. Funk Award of Excellence, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (C. Paukert)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
Student Achievement Award, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (awarded to graduate student Corey Dunn)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Jacob Schwoerer)
University of Missouri Graduate fellowship, Missouri Chapter of The Wildlife Society (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
Carl Morrow Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Symposium organizers, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting in Kansas City (Emily Tracy Smith, Jodi Whitter, and Craig Paukert, 2 different symposia)
Symposium Committee Co-Chair, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City (Craig Paukert)
Poster Committee Chair, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City (Jodi Whittier)
Member, Poster Committee, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City (Nick Sievert and Elisa Baebler)
Outstanding M.S. Thesis (2014) for the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
John D. Chambers Memorial Scholarship, Missouri Chapter of The Wildlife Society (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Corey Dunn)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance, Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Symposium organizers, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting in Portland (Kristen Bouska, Nick Sievert, Jodi Whittier and Craig Paukert)
Missouri AFS Newsletter Committee Co-Chairs (Kristen Bouska and Emily Tracy-Smith)
Missouri AFS Historian Chair (Craig Paukert)
Floodplain Science Network Facilitator (Kristen Bouska)
Hutton Scholarship, American Fisheries Society (awarded to high school student Nora Hargett)
Fisheries Information Technology Section of AFS Secretary/Treasurer (Nick Sievert, PhD student)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance, Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Fisheries Information Technology Section of AFS Newsletter Editor (Nick Sievert)
Member, Fish Passage Advisory Council, International Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage (Craig Paukert)
Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers LCC River Restoration Technical Advisory Committee (Craig Paukert)
Second Place, Best Poster, Missouri River Natural Resources Conference (awarded to undergraduate student Josey Ridgway)
Conservation Federation of Missouri Morrow Scholarship (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Outstanding Graduate Student, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, MU (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Robert A. Klumb Missouri River Natural Resources Conference Student Travel Award (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Missouri Chapter of the Society of Conservation Biology Best Student Poster at the Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to undergraduate student Josey Ridgway and graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award Winner (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance, Cooperative Research Units (C. Paukert)
Hutton Scholarship, American Fisheries Society (awarded to high school student Samantha See)
McNair Scholarship, University of Missouri (awarded to undergraduate student Josey Ridgway)
Best Student Poster, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Undergraduate Travel Award, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (awarded to undergraduate student Travis Schepker)
Conservation Federation of Missouri Stegner Scholarship (awarded to undergraduate student Jackman Eschenroeder)
Invited workgroup member, NSF NEON sampling protocol development of long term monitoring on NEON lakes and streams (C. Paukert)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Jason Harris)
Missouri AFS Student Achievement Award (awarded to undergraduate student Michael Moore)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (awarded to graduate student Landon Pierce)
Letter of Appreciation from the Executive Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology Policy for contribution to the National Climate Assessment Technical Input on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services (Craig Paukert)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Outstanding Graduate Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, MU (Craig Paukert)
Finalist, Best Student Presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, St. Paul, MN (awarded to graduate student Jon Spurgeon)
Outstanding Graduate Student, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, MU, (awarded to graduate student Jake Faulkner)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Jason Harris)
Second Place, Best Student Poster, Missouri Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology (awarded to graduate student Jake Faulkner)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (awarded to graduate student Jake Faulkner)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Special Achievement Award, (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Best Student Presentation (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Second Place, Best Student Presentation (Jason Fischer, MS student); Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference
Outstanding Unit Student, (Jason Fischer, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
USGS STAR Award for technical assistance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert) Certificate of Appreciation (Joe Gerken, PhD student), Education Section of the AFS
Best Student Poster (Katie White, undergraduate; Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Professional Presentation (Craig Paukert); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Klassen Award (Kirk Mammoliti, undergraduate student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Finalist, Best Student Poster (Andrea Severson, MS student); Parent Society of the AFS
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (Joe Gerken, PhD student)
Second Place, Best Student Presentation (Andrea Severson, MS student); American Water Resources Association
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (Joe Gerken, PhD student)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Joe Gerken, PhD student)
Finalist, KSU Biology Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award (Craig Paukert)
Kansas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Travel Award (Mackenize Shardlow, MS student)
Ackert Award, Outstanding Presentation, KSU Biology Graduate Student Forum (Andrea Severson, MS student)
Nominee, KSU Biology Watkins Award for outstanding graduate student teaching (Andrea Severson, MS student)
Invited Speaker (Craig Paukert); Iowa St. Univ., Dept. of Natural Resources Ecology and Management
Best Student Presentation (Andrea Severson, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Poster (Joe Gerken, PhD student; Wes Bouska, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Andrea Severson, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Klassen Award (Brandon Senger, BS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Second Place, Best Student Presentation (Mackenzie Shardlow, MS student); Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (Wes Bouska, MS student)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award winner (Mackenzie Shardlow, MS student)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (Wes Bouska, MS student)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Josh Schloesser, MS student)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award Honorable Mention (Wes Bouska, MS student)
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Josh Schloesser, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Professional Presentation (Craig Paukert, coauthor with KDWP biologist); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Presentation (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Outstanding Unit Student, (Mackenzie Shardlow, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Jesse Fischer, MS student)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Jeff Eitzmann, MS student)
Fourth place, Best Poster (Josh Schloesser, MS Student); Missouri River Natural Resources Conference
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Professional Presentation (Craig Paukert); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Poster (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Presentation (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Invited Speaker (Craig Paukert); University of Kansas Field Station and Ecological Reserves Seminar Series
Outstanding Unit Student, (Jeff Eitzmann, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Outstanding Unit Student, (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award (Jesse Fischer, MS student)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Best Student Poster (Philip Brinkley, undergraduate student) Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Klassen Award (Philip Brinkley, undergraduate student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Andy Makinster, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Outstanding Unit Student, (Andy Makinster, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Keynote Speaker (Craig Paukert); Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting
Invited Speaker (Craig Paukert); The Ohio State University, School of Natural Resources
River Studies at the University of Missouri
Top 10% Most Downloaded Papers, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, American Fisheries Society (Craig Paukert)
Fisheries Excellence Award, American Fisheries Society, North Central Division (Craig Paukert)
Quality Step Increase, U.S. Geological Survey (Craig Paukert)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship (graduate student Hadley Boehm), Conservation Federation of Missouri
Stephen A Weithman Jr. Leadership Award (graduate student Emily Tracy-Smith), Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Carl Morrow Scholarship (graduate student Hadley Boehm), Conservation Federation of Missouri
Best Student Aquatics Presentation (graduate student Michael Moore), Missouri Natural Resources Conference
STAR Award, U.S. Geological Survey (Craig Paukert)
Drive to Distinction Award, MU College and Agriculture Food and Natural Resources top 10 research dollars (Craig Paukert)
Outstanding Graduate Student in the MU School of Natural Resources (PhD student Michael Moore)
Top 10% Most Dowloaded Papers (2018-2019) from North American Journal of Fisheries Management (Post doc R. Tingley and C. Paukert)
Trans World Airlines Scholarship, only 5 non law school awards given each year in the University of Missouri system (PhD student H. Boehm)
Noreen Clough Memorial Scholarship for Females in Fisheries, (B.A.S.S. and Southern Division of AFS (graduate student Hadley Boehm)
Robert Jenkins Memorial Reservoir Scholarship Southern Division of the AFS (graduate student Hadley Boehm)
Best Student Aquatics Poster, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (graduate student Mike Thomas)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (graduate student Michael Moore)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (graduate student Mike Thomas)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (graduate student Mike Thomas)
TIGER Award, Mizzou School of Natural Resources (graduate student Emily Tracy-Smith)
Travel Award, North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society (graduate student Michael Moore)
Best Student Aquatics Poster, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (graduate student Mike Thomas)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (graduate student John Brant)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (graduate student Elisa Baebler)
Promoted to Full Cooperative Professor at University of Missouri (C. Paukert)
University of Missouri Staff Development Award, The University of Missouri (Research Technician B. Brooke)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (BS student C. Stratton)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award Honorable Mention (PhD student C. Dunn)
Finalist, Best Student Poster, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (BS student C. Stratton and PhD student N. Sievert)
Finalist, Best Student Poster, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (MS student E. Baebler)
Travel Award, Equal Opportunities Section of American Fisheries Society, (MS student E. Baebler)
Undergraduate Travel Assistance Award, Student SubUnit of the Education Section of the American Fisheries Society (BS student C. Stratton)
Trans World Airlines Scholarship, only 5 non law school awards given each year in the University of Missouri system (PhD student C. Dunn)
Winemiller Excellence Award for Data Analytics at the University of Missouri (PhD student C. Dunn)
Best Poster, MU School of Natural Resources Research Day (PhD student C. Dunn)
Best Poster, MU School of Natural Resources Research Day (PhD student M. Moore)
Gold Chalk Award for Outstanding Mentoring and Teaching (C. Paukert)
Outstanding MU Fish and Wildlife Graduate Student (MS student Z. Morris)
Invited poster at the University of Missouri Chancellors presentation on research (BS student C. Stratton; PhD student N. Sievert)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (MS student E. Baebler)
Student Achievement Award, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (MS student Elisa Baebler)
Joe G. Dillard Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (BS student C. Stratton)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (PhD student M. Moore)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (PhD student M. Moore)
U.S. Geological Survey Quality Step Increase awarded by USGS (C. Paukert)
Outstanding Poster for Life Sciences Week: Innovative Science, University of Missouri (graduate student C. Dunn)
Best Student Poster-Honorable Mention awarded by American Fisheries Society (graduate student Corey Dunn)
Skinner Memorial Award awarded by American Fisheries Society (graduate student Michael Moore)
Skinner Memorial Award-Honorable Mention awarded by American Fisheries Society (graduate student Zach Morris)
Best Student Poster awarded by MU School of Natural Resources Research Day graduate student Corey Dunn)
Trans World Airlines Scholarship, University of Missouri System (graduate student M. Moore)
Joe G. Dillard Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (undergraduate student C. Stratton)
Best Poster Award Winner, School of Natural Resources Research Day (graduate student C. Dunn)
The Wildlife Society, Wetlands Working Group Student Award (graduate student J. Guyton)
Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (graduate student C. Dunn)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award Winner (awarded to graduate student E. Baebler)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (awarded to graduate student C. Dunn)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant Winner, Missouri Chapter of the AFS, (graduate student C. Dunn)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resoutrces Conference (graduate student J. Guyton)
Jimmie Pigg and Melissa Coughlin Memorial Outstanding Student Achievement Award, Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society (graduate student C. Dunn)
Douglas D. Randall Young Scientists Travel Award, University of Missouri (graduate student C. Dunn)
Invited panel member, Multi-institutional Land-grant Partnership Initiative, to develop pathways for underrepresented student to obtain graduate degrees and agency employment, University of Puerto Rico (C. Paukert)
Board of Directors, Conservation Federation of Missouri (graduate student Zach Morris)
US Geological Survey STAR Award, Superior Performance Achievement (C. Paukert)
Outstanding Teaching Assistant, Virginia Tech Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation (awarded to graduate student Michael Moore)
Best Student Paper Presentation, Virginia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, (awarded to graduate student Michael Moore)
Selected as one of four participants in the Emerging Leaders Mentorship Award Program for the American Fisheries Society (awarded to graduate student Michael Moore)
Charles P. Bell Conservation Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri Charitable Trust (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
The Wildlife Society Wetland Working Group Travel Award (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
USGS STAR Award for development of Landscape Science initiative in USGS (C. Paukert)
D. L. Hallett Award, Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
IUCN Red List Paddlefish Status Report Update Lead (C. Paukert)
John L. Funk Award of Excellence, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (C. Paukert)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
Student Achievement Award, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (awarded to graduate student Corey Dunn)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Jacob Schwoerer)
University of Missouri Graduate fellowship, Missouri Chapter of The Wildlife Society (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
Carl Morrow Graduate Scholarship, Conservation Federation of Missouri (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Symposium organizers, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting in Kansas City (Emily Tracy Smith, Jodi Whitter, and Craig Paukert, 2 different symposia)
Symposium Committee Co-Chair, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City (Craig Paukert)
Poster Committee Chair, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City (Jodi Whittier)
Member, Poster Committee, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City (Nick Sievert and Elisa Baebler)
Outstanding M.S. Thesis (2014) for the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
John D. Chambers Memorial Scholarship, Missouri Chapter of The Wildlife Society (awarded to graduate student Julia Guyton)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Corey Dunn)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance, Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Symposium organizers, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting in Portland (Kristen Bouska, Nick Sievert, Jodi Whittier and Craig Paukert)
Missouri AFS Newsletter Committee Co-Chairs (Kristen Bouska and Emily Tracy-Smith)
Missouri AFS Historian Chair (Craig Paukert)
Floodplain Science Network Facilitator (Kristen Bouska)
Hutton Scholarship, American Fisheries Society (awarded to high school student Nora Hargett)
Fisheries Information Technology Section of AFS Secretary/Treasurer (Nick Sievert, PhD student)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance, Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Fisheries Information Technology Section of AFS Newsletter Editor (Nick Sievert)
Member, Fish Passage Advisory Council, International Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage (Craig Paukert)
Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers LCC River Restoration Technical Advisory Committee (Craig Paukert)
Second Place, Best Poster, Missouri River Natural Resources Conference (awarded to undergraduate student Josey Ridgway)
Conservation Federation of Missouri Morrow Scholarship (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Outstanding Graduate Student, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, MU (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Robert A. Klumb Missouri River Natural Resources Conference Student Travel Award (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Missouri Chapter of the Society of Conservation Biology Best Student Poster at the Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to undergraduate student Josey Ridgway and graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award Winner (awarded to graduate student Emily Pherigo)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance, Cooperative Research Units (C. Paukert)
Hutton Scholarship, American Fisheries Society (awarded to high school student Samantha See)
McNair Scholarship, University of Missouri (awarded to undergraduate student Josey Ridgway)
Best Student Poster, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (awarded to graduate student Nick Sievert)
Undergraduate Travel Award, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (awarded to undergraduate student Travis Schepker)
Conservation Federation of Missouri Stegner Scholarship (awarded to undergraduate student Jackman Eschenroeder)
Invited workgroup member, NSF NEON sampling protocol development of long term monitoring on NEON lakes and streams (C. Paukert)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Jason Harris)
Missouri AFS Student Achievement Award (awarded to undergraduate student Michael Moore)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (awarded to graduate student Landon Pierce)
Letter of Appreciation from the Executive Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology Policy for contribution to the National Climate Assessment Technical Input on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services (Craig Paukert)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Outstanding Graduate Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, MU (Craig Paukert)
Finalist, Best Student Presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, St. Paul, MN (awarded to graduate student Jon Spurgeon)
Outstanding Graduate Student, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, MU, (awarded to graduate student Jake Faulkner)
Best Student Aquatics Presentation, Missouri Natural Resources Conference (awarded to graduate student Jason Harris)
Second Place, Best Student Poster, Missouri Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology (awarded to graduate student Jake Faulkner)
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (awarded to graduate student Jake Faulkner)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Special Achievement Award, (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Best Student Presentation (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Second Place, Best Student Presentation (Jason Fischer, MS student); Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference
Outstanding Unit Student, (Jason Fischer, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
USGS STAR Award for technical assistance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert) Certificate of Appreciation (Joe Gerken, PhD student), Education Section of the AFS
Best Student Poster (Katie White, undergraduate; Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Professional Presentation (Craig Paukert); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Klassen Award (Kirk Mammoliti, undergraduate student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Finalist, Best Student Poster (Andrea Severson, MS student); Parent Society of the AFS
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (Joe Gerken, PhD student)
Second Place, Best Student Presentation (Andrea Severson, MS student); American Water Resources Association
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (Joe Gerken, PhD student)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Joe Gerken, PhD student)
Finalist, KSU Biology Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award (Craig Paukert)
Kansas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Travel Award (Mackenize Shardlow, MS student)
Ackert Award, Outstanding Presentation, KSU Biology Graduate Student Forum (Andrea Severson, MS student)
Nominee, KSU Biology Watkins Award for outstanding graduate student teaching (Andrea Severson, MS student)
Invited Speaker (Craig Paukert); Iowa St. Univ., Dept. of Natural Resources Ecology and Management
Best Student Presentation (Andrea Severson, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Poster (Joe Gerken, PhD student; Wes Bouska, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Andrea Severson, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Klassen Award (Brandon Senger, BS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Second Place, Best Student Presentation (Mackenzie Shardlow, MS student); Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference
Joan Duffy Travel Grant (Wes Bouska, MS student)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award winner (Mackenzie Shardlow, MS student)
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award finalist (Wes Bouska, MS student)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Josh Schloesser, MS student)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award Honorable Mention (Wes Bouska, MS student)
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Josh Schloesser, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Professional Presentation (Craig Paukert, coauthor with KDWP biologist); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Presentation (Joe Gerken, PhD student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Outstanding Unit Student, (Mackenzie Shardlow, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Jesse Fischer, MS student)
American Fisheries Society Skinner Memorial Award (Jeff Eitzmann, MS student)
Fourth place, Best Poster (Josh Schloesser, MS Student); Missouri River Natural Resources Conference
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Professional Presentation (Craig Paukert); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Poster (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Best Student Presentation (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Invited Speaker (Craig Paukert); University of Kansas Field Station and Ecological Reserves Seminar Series
Outstanding Unit Student, (Jeff Eitzmann, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Outstanding Unit Student, (Jesse Fischer, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award (Jesse Fischer, MS student)
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Best Student Poster (Philip Brinkley, undergraduate student) Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Klassen Award (Philip Brinkley, undergraduate student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Tiemeier-Cross Award (Andy Makinster, MS student); Kansas Chapter of the AFS
Outstanding Unit Student, (Andy Makinster, MS student); Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
USGS STAR Award for outstanding performance in the Cooperative Research Units (Craig Paukert)
Keynote Speaker (Craig Paukert); Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting
Invited Speaker (Craig Paukert); The Ohio State University, School of Natural Resources
River Studies at the University of Missouri