landscape - measure of threats or habitat condition using spatial patterns across a landscape.
species - measure of species vulnerability based on biological traits and/or potential threats.
land use - metrics related to land management in a given catchment (e.g. %agriculture, %impervious surface cover), but may include reach-level proximity to land modifications (e.g. average distance to mine).
barrier density - number of dams or road crossings upstream, downstream, or within a given area
stream connectivity - total length of stream kilometers without barriers surrounding a given location
water quality - metrics pertaining to water physico-chemistry and pollution. Metrics may be site level parameters (e.g. DO, pH, etc.) or reach level (e.g. 303d EPA classification)
in-stream habitat - describe physical characterstics including metrics related to channel morphology (e.g. channel slope, width, %riffle, etc.), substrate (e.g. %gravel, embeddedness), cover (e.g. vegetation density, canopy shading), and so on.
climate change - metrics describe predicted changes in air or stream temperature and/or discharge
temperature - typically a metric of air temperature but for species scores includes stream temperature thresholds
flow - metrics pertaining to stream discharge (e.g. mean annual flows, base flow index)
yes - thresholds in species responses (P/A or abundance) to environmental gradients are used to construct index values
no - species data are not used to create index values
public - data are easily accessible and downloadable from a website
proprietary - data are either housed privately by a government agency or copyright protected in a peer-reviewed publication
prioritization - identify focal sites or species for restoration and conservation
diagnosis - identify potential stressors within a specific region or watershed
evaluation - investigate the relationships between potential stressors or index and aquatic ecosystem integrity or species response
monitoring - identify focal sites or sensitive species to track through time or in response to an event
outreach - use index to educate the public or promote landowner incentive programs
This webpage is a living document of decision support tools for freshwater conservation. All tools provide information for the state of Missouri, although they may be the result of regional or national assessments.
Each assessment or index is summarized on an individual card. Text tags (tags:) serve as a visual cross-reference to the “variable inputs” filter at left. Links to source documents and data are provided where available (availability:) and a short description (desc:) about the tool. In some cases, a specific example (example:) of how the tool has been used in the past is provided.
By default all cards are displayed. To narrow the results, select filters from drop-down menus in the left panel and scroll down to see cards that match the selection. Hover over each filter heading to see definitions for the corresponding drop-menu options. Filters function as exclusive combination filters to minimize the number of displayed cards. To return to a full display, click on the “reset filters” button.
tags: climate change, temperature, flow, connectivity, species response incorporated
availability: peer-reviewed publication, download data here
desc: Classifies species vulnerability to environmental change. Index is based on tolerance to temperature, flow, and habitat conditions, weighted by dispersal ability, range, rarity, and connectivity surrounding occupied habitats.
example: MDC and University of Missouri cooperators used this index to propose research about the tolerance and persistence of vulnerable Notropis species under potential future climate conditions.
release date: 2016
last update: 2016
data source date range: 2000 - 2011
tags: land use, connectivity
availability: web-based decision support tool , downloadable data based on user-selected criteria
desc: Tool to summarize inventoried in-stream barriers, including dams and road-related barriers or prioritize their removal. Information can be selected by area of interest, key dam characteristics, land ownership and/or stream conservaton value.
example: In 2017, the Roaring River Dam in Tenessee was removed after being identified as an aging dam that would increase stream connectivity.
release date: undetermined
last update: 2019
data source date range: undetermined
tags: land use, water quality, in-stream habitat, species response incorporated
availability: peer-reviewed publication, proprietary data
desc: Classification represents the predicted level of biotic integrity dervied from relationships between landscape-level and site-specific habitat factors that affect local fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages.
example: Has been used to identify least-disturbed sites as potential benchmarks of ecological integrity for Missouri DNR.
release date: 2016
last update: 2016
data source date range: 2004 - 2014
tags: climate change, temperature, flow
availability: final report, proprietary data
desc: Provides predictive stream temperature model for wadeable streams across the state based on long-term monitoring data and relationships to environmental variables. Forecasted stream temperatures under climate model projections are available for streams in the Missouri Ozark Plateau.
example: TBD
release date: 2018
last update: 2018
data source date range: 2002 - 2015
tags: climate change, connectivity, landuse, terrestrial, aquatic
availability: website, data, online mapper
desc: The Midwest
Conservation Blueprint is a product of the Midwest Landscape Initiative
(MLI). The blueprint is a basemap of priority lands and waters for
conservation across the Midwest,
and is meant to appeal to anyone doing conservation work in the region.
The blueprint was developed from more than 20 social and environmental
values that represent diverse interests across society and will be
updated annually.
example: Many! Click Here
release date: 2023
last update: 2024
data source date range:
tags: climate change, connectivity, landuse, terrestrial, aquatic
availability: website, data, online mapper
desc: As the primary
product of SECAS - the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy
the Southeast Conservation Blueprint is a living spatial plan that
identifies priority areas for a connected network of lands and waters.
The Blueprint identifies priority areas based on a suite of natural and
cultural resource indicators representing terrestrial, freshwater, and
marine ecosystems. A connectivity analysis identifies corridors that
link coastal and inland areas and span climate gradients.
example: TBD
release date: 2023
last update: 2024
data source date range:
tags: connectivity, landuse, terrestrial, aquatic
desc: The LHI uses data from three main components to create an overall score on a scale of 0 to 1. The score helps managers assess conservation practices on priority geographies. Contributing metrics include species abundance, connectivity, habitat condition, ecosystem function, landowner support, and public opinion.
example: TBD
release date: TBD